Three is the magic number… for some

ARE four wheels better than three or two? Not according to everyone.
Forget the thrill some people find in two wheels, from mopeds to cruisers, three wheels is where it’s at!
Fans of three-wheelers – which covers all kinds of vehicles from classic Morgans to bubble cars – have something to cheer about with the release of a new encyclopaedia of three-wheeled vehicles.
Three-Wheelers A-Z: The Definitive Encyclopaedia of Three-Wheeled Vehicles From 1940 to Date is packed with unusual, surprising and fascinating machinery. Every single trike made since 1940 is listed – a remarkable 1,122 different types.
This essential A-Z reference book tells the fascinating story of a hugely diverse branch of the motoring world, including trikes, bubble cars, microcars, kit cars, high-performance three-wheelers, invalid carriages, prototypes, touring choppers, design exercises, tuk tuks and even flying cars and amphibious vehicles.
Author Chris Rees says: “Three-wheelers have formed a significant and vibrant part of transport history right from the very origins of motoring in 1885, but they are a much-neglected subject in the motoring world. From the AB1 to the Zzipper, this new A to Z encyclopaedia is a real romp through a world that’s been under-reported to date.
“Most people consider three-wheelers to be cars with one less wheel than the required minimum, but trikes constantly surprise me with their ingenuity. Some of the world’s strangest cars are in the book. For instance, the Thrustcycle has three wheels all in a line with a gyroscope to keep the car upright at zero mph. Or there’s the Inter, whose front wheels folded inwards to make it narrow enough to fit through a doorway. And the Vigillante was built as a 200mph highway pursuit vehicle for the California police.
“It’s also amazing the number of well-known names which have dabbled with the three-wheeler idiom. As well as Morgan (which is currently enjoying tremendous success with its relaunched Three-Wheeler), companies like BMW, Ford, Honda, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, Peugeot, Renault, Toyota and VW all appear in the book with three-wheeled designs.”
Three-Wheelers A-Z: the Definitive Encyclopaedia of Three-Wheeled Vehicles From 1940 to Date is written by Chris Rees and published by Quiller Print. It has 240 pages, details 1,122 different three-wheelers and boasts over 1,600 illustrations – a huge proportion never seen before in print.
From now until the end of March, books purchased direct from the publisher at come with free postage and packing. Not only that, but the book will be signed by the author, and can also be had with a personal dedication.
With an RRP of just £25, Three-Wheelers A-Z (ISBN 978-0-9926651-0-4) is available to order now at